Official Secrets is an important British film which is now at Theatre Kino in Tanuki Koji. It tells the true story of a young woman (Katharine Gun) who leaks some secret Government information to a newspaper. Why does she do it? Because she wanted to try to stop the Iraq War. She wanted to prevent the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. An important film. An extraordinary film? Maybe it is. Extraordinary, because watching this film, we might actually be thinking that Trump is not the worst leader ever, if we compare his lies to the war crimes of Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld and Cheney.
We come home from the cinema, we want to listen to Bob Dylan's "Masters of War". And we are grateful that there are still some people like Katharine Gun who have the courage to stand against the war criminals and to do the right thing.
The Professor and the Madman
Here at Brisco, we love books and we love words, and we sometimes like the English language (if it doesn't damage other cultures around the world). So we had to go to Satsugeki cinema to see this new film, about a love of language, and a quite unique friendship.
The story begins in the 1870s: James Murray, a Scotsman, is a self-taught man who can speak or understand more than 20 languages. He is given a new job; with a team of unpaid volunteers, he has to research and write the first Oxford English Dictionary. And soon he will receive a lot of help from an American doctor who has been mentally damaged by what he has seen in the American Civil War.
It is an unusual film which we rarely see nowadays, characters who have time to think, time to choose their words carefully.
Let's try to support SatsuGeki and Theatre Kino, when they are showing such good important films!