1968 was a terrible year in many countries, especially America. The deaths of Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and further war crimes committed by the US government in Vietnam. In many cities, young people were angry, and there were demonstrations on the streets. In Chicago, the police attacked peaceful protesters. Now, we have a chance to examine what happened at the time: a new film "The Trial of the Chicago 7" is at Theatre Kino, in Sapporo.
It is a court-room drama. Powerful scenes with some of the best actors working in the cinema today: Mark Rylance, Frank Langella, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Eddie Redmayne.
It is an American film, so there is no mention of the number or names of Vietnamese people who had been killed.. American filmmakers have never focussed on that. But this is an anti-war drama, and we have to applaud this film, because it reminds us of some of the unforgivable war crimes committed by the Johnson and Nixon governments.
(At Theatre Kino until April 2nd, and then on Netflix)
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